Google Season of Docs 2020

Google Season of Docs, 2020 with Performance Co-Pilot organization is the most beautiful journey of my life. When I got the proposal acceptance mail, I was like

The GSoD journey to me is like Harry potter's journey to Hogwarts. A journey full of learnings (adventures) and challenges (hurdles), which I can not complete without the help of my mentors (friends) and Sphinx Documentation, Stack overflow, Google Search (spells).

Additional Information and Resources

  1. Mentoring Organization - Performance Co-Pilot
  2. Mentors - Nathan Scott, Andreas Gerstmayr, Peter Portante
  3. Project
  4. Proposal
  5. Github Repositories - PCP, Pbench
  6. Merged PRs - PCP, Pbench
  7. Timeline & Deliverables
  8. Final Report
  9. Final Work Product - PCP, Pbench
  10. Blogs